Online Taiko Lesson – Sohma Bon uta
In this online taiko lesson, we’ll be exploring Sohma Bon Uta. Sohma is the old name for the Northeastern part of Japan, today known as Fukushima. Sohma Bon Uta celebrates a great rice harvest and is one of the most popular Obon Festival songs.
To my teacher, Mr. Yoichi Watanabe of Amanojaku, Sohma Bon Uta was one of the benchmarks for determining whether a player understood the aesthetics of Bon Daiko.
This song also holds a special place in my heart because a grew up playing taiko with a friend from Fukushima. I remember how devastated the region was after the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown. Today things are finally just beginning to return to normal. Whenever I play this song, it helps me keep things in perspective.